Saturday, July 11, 2009

first post- take it or leave it

I would like to introduce myself my name is John Scott Goodson and i intend to depict the beauty and faults of the world around me. I am currently on my way to an art history degree and i would like to go to a culinary school afterwards. I like to think i have some kind of artistic ability but lately i find it to be an inconvenience to pull out my supplies and work on anything but lately i have been lacking motivation. My life consists of Chelsea Brown my girlfriend of almost 3 years, work, school, and various hobbies. I have major conflicts with pretty much every person in my immediate family if you knew my family you would understand, maybe I'll go into the details in another post. If i say something about you it is just a generalization and I'm just trying to make a point, for the most part anyway... I feel that being consistently optimistic will improve your quality of life i know i have flaws and i think that is important to be able to say that even though I'm not going to say what they are. enough about me

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