Monday, July 27, 2009

strong but not strong enough

Even though my opinion of you is subject to change I will not hold a grudge and I will be forgiving I owe you that at least. I ask what do I know and what right do I have? I feel like I understand a great deal more than I’ve experienced for myself. Doesn’t everyone at my age feel like this in some way??? Even if you do not say it you think it, does it matter if you know what you are talking about or just that someone is listening and you know that you have their attention? I feel lucky; I am able to listen to others and learn from my mistakes I have not a single regret. I say lucky because for some reason the ability to learn from your own mistakes just doesn't run in my family, but on the other hand I am burdened with disappointment. Time after time I watch them repeat the mistakes as if they enjoy self destruction. Again what do I know about what people should enjoy? I would like to think otherwise but I doubt that they see how they affect me but it’s not all bad. My eyes are now open to a point of view that is both irrational and disturbing; I do not mind taking advantage when it keeps me from sinking. I am happy with my current situation so that probably means I am being selfish but then again I am not even sure what I am talking about.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

first post- take it or leave it

I would like to introduce myself my name is John Scott Goodson and i intend to depict the beauty and faults of the world around me. I am currently on my way to an art history degree and i would like to go to a culinary school afterwards. I like to think i have some kind of artistic ability but lately i find it to be an inconvenience to pull out my supplies and work on anything but lately i have been lacking motivation. My life consists of Chelsea Brown my girlfriend of almost 3 years, work, school, and various hobbies. I have major conflicts with pretty much every person in my immediate family if you knew my family you would understand, maybe I'll go into the details in another post. If i say something about you it is just a generalization and I'm just trying to make a point, for the most part anyway... I feel that being consistently optimistic will improve your quality of life i know i have flaws and i think that is important to be able to say that even though I'm not going to say what they are. enough about me